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Vanakkam_/\_ I’m Sivasurya Santhanam, usually go by the name Siva for making everyone’s life easier.

Born and brought up in southern part of India, I pursued my undergrad in Mechatronics Engineering. Unsatisfied with the Engineering skills, I favoured for research. I came to Germany in 2013 to pursue Masters of science in Autonomous systems. The transition from being an Engineer to a researcher was hard yet exciting. And still in the process of accustomising to German ways of life. With a strong taste for Schnitzel, Nudelauflauf, Liverwurst and broken German (Denglish), I would say I’m not doing bad.

I am currently a NLP(Natural language processing) researcher in German Aerospace Center(DLR) at Cologne. As a researcher at DLR, I have the opportunity to research and develop cool Natural language processing tools to be applied in intelligent-assistive systems for software engineering. My research focuses on applying the power of machine learning algorithms in NLP to build systems with better Natural language understanding. Currently building Conversational AI for Developers.

I co-organise a monthly PyData meetup in Cologne-Bonn. Feel free to contact me if you wanna give a talk or host an event.

Wanna work with me? Check out the jobs at our Intelligent & distributed systems department at DLR.

I am good with python, numpy, sklearn & potato curry. My recent crush is playing chess(blitz & bullets). I also read fictions. I write ML/AI based articles on Medium. I also co-write some really unpopular fiction stories along with a good friend of mine Harish under the pen-name Tale Mongers

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